Our decentralized structure allows us to have business unit teams with strong customer relationships and deep market knowledge that are more focused and responsive than would be the case under a centralized model.
These teams provide our head office and operating group managers with the ability to concentrate on issues such as capital allocation, identifying best practices, and helping recruit and coach high potential employees, while the VMS businesses concentrate on operating efficiency, and pursuing organic initiatives and acquisitions in our existing vertical markets.
Our seven operating groups act as mini Constellations, and while all share the same set of benchmarks, best practices and learnings, they have each developed their own unique culture and operate autonomously.

Business Units*
Vertical Markets*
*as of December 31, 2024
A Message From Our Board Chair
Constellation is built upon the principles of discipline, rigor, sharing and learning which are embedded in how we deploy our capital and operate our businesses. We combine these with strong convictions, which are firm enough to ensure we are thoughtful and considered but not so rigid that they impede change or forward progress. We also believe strongly in the value of experimentation as a tool in our learning toolkit and that the only appropriate time horizon is the long-term.
We are a collection of over 1,000 global business units, the vast majority of which are small, having less than 50 employees. Autonomy, decentralization, and decision making, at the business unit level, define the environment we strive to create for our employees as they work to master their professional tradecraft.
Our ability to leverage the cumulative effort and talent of our many acquired employees and their respective businesses, without taking over day-to-day management, remains one of our core strengths and differentiators. Our light touch approach relies on sharing an extensive set of benchmarks and best practices and letting our employees use their internal drive, competitive spirit and passion for their customers and industry to do the rest.
While our ESG journey is not a new one, we recognize that it is time for us to evolve in our engagement with our stakeholders as we move forward. In support of this effort, we have created this information page on our website to highlight ESG topics we believe to be of particular relevance and to demonstrate how ESG principles are being incorporated into our businesses' practices. We intend this web page to be refreshed regularly and invite you to come back often.
As in everything we do at Constellation, we do so thoughtfully and with great deference to our culture and businesses, creating our own path – which defines the Constellation way.
– John Billowits, Board Chair
A Message from our Board
We regularly receive input from our shareholders and other constituents suggesting that we comply with a wide range of policies and practices loosely encompassed under a variety of umbrellas such as "responsible investing/management," "impact investing/management," "social investing/management," "sustainable investing/management," "ESG investing/management," and others. These suggestions reference dozens of different publications or organizations that have produced related guidance, rate various companies in aspects of these matters, or provide related consulting services. Dozens of organizations have become active in this industry, all with different priorities, measures, standards and practices, including CCGG, CSRD, FTSE, HIP, Glass Lewis, ISS, MSCI, OECD, S&P Global, Refinitiv, SASB, Sustainalytics, TCFD, TruValue Labs (owned by FactSet Research), the United Nations, Vigeo Eiris (owned by Moody's). Many of our larger institutional shareholders have their own versions of these publications. We are committed to working with our shareholders and other constituents to listen, discuss, measure and report on our efforts to balance contending interests, keeping true to our culture, which has long incorporated associated values and priorities.